If DCF determines that the report does not meet DCF’s level of suspected abuse or neglect, then it would be screened out.  The family is supposed to get written notification and if there is a mandated reporter, such as a teacher, nurse, clinician they would receive a report as well.

If the screener determines that the alleged neglect or abuse meets what is a reportable condition, DCF would screen it in.  A screened in does not mean that the case is supported; just that there is going to be additional investigation.  DCF also decides about the level of crisis; whether DCF considers it an emergency or a non-emergency.  If DCF determines that it is an emergency, they are supposed to respond no later than 2 hours but as soon as possible.  Non-emergency responses also begin as soon as possible but the child is supposed to be visited within 3 days.  There are a variety of extensions that can occur.