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What is Child Support intended to Cover?     In Massachusetts child support is intended to cover the child’s basic living necessities and expenses; which includes things such as food; shelter; clothing; academic expenses; necessary medical costs and reasonable recreation expenses. How is the Amount of Child Support Calculated? Massachusetts has a Child Support Guidelines worksheet […]

Are Step-parents Legally Obligated to Support a Child that is not the Actual Parent of? In Massachusetts as a general matter, the duty to support the child is the parents.  The step-parents income is not factored in when calculating the Mass child support obligations of the non-custodial (even custodial) parent.  However, there can be arguments […]

If DCF substantiates a concern you are allowed to file a grievance process. If you speak to an Attorney, they can tell you about the advantages and disadvantages.

Some common areas that people ask when working with DCF. DCF is obligated to investigate the 51A report even if it is false. There are some exceptions to the rule. However, there is someone that is called the “Screener” who looks at the 51A to determine whether or not it should be screened in or […]

What is the Difference between a Court Ordered Mediation and Private Mediation?            In Massachusetts sometimes, the court tells the parties to go to Probation or Family Services for a Court Ordered mediation as a requirement as part of the divorce proceedings. A private mediation is a voluntary process where both […]

What are the Benefits of Mediation?                              Over the typical adversarial route: Is it takes less time; It allows you control over the decisions that affect your life; Reduces conflict; particularly raising your children; Also avoids some public disclosure of information that you […]

How does Divorce Mediation work? Instead of litigating with each other about every issue and having a Judge decide which can be both costly, time consuming and stressful, a trained mediator will help you and your spouse work together to reach an agreement.  It is teaching the parties how to evaluate their financial situation and […]

There are a variety of circumstances where a court appointed lawyer may be appropriate.  You have to show that you are indigent and have to be approved by the court. As many people know in criminal cases, because of some constitutional protections you are entitled to a lawyer and again, a court appointed one if […]

Massachusetts lawyers must keep what statements you make to him/her confidential when you speak to him/her privately.  Any conversation that you have is considered confidential.  It is called the “Attorney Client Privilege” and there are strict rules of confidentiality that only apply to the lawyer, but also to staff members in the lawyer’s office. There […]

It is called an “Uncontested Divorce.”  If you or your soon to be ex-spouse are able to resolve things amicably and agree on all issues which can include dividing assets, debt, child support, alimony, custody, parenting with the children, health insurance and other issues, then you can prepare the necessary documents including a Joint Petition […]