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If a prior court order no longer works for the parties or circumstances change the party may seek a modification. The party must file a complaint for modification to change a judgment. A further temporary order may change a prior temporary order. The most common changes are alimony or spousal support, custody and parenting time […]

The court will appoint an attorney to represent your minor child and the attorney will not be the same attorney who represents you. The attorney will meet his client and advocate for him or her at all court hearings. If the child is able to speak and convey his wishes, the attorney will follow the […]

Many times in probate and family court, the court refers you to probation or family service. What this means is in some contested cases, the court feels that it may be helpful to meet with a probation officer or family service officer(FSO). The term is for the same office. The idea is that sometimes you […]

You can file something called a “contempt” action saying that the other side has violated the court order. You need to show what the court order is and how it was violated. There are technical requirements but the order should be clear and the violation should be straightforward. The court has a lot of remedies […]

There are lots of ways to deal with school systems.  Protecting and advocating for your child can be complicated and is emotional.  It is recommended that you hire a Taunton educational advocate  lawyer  such as myself but I realize that the cost may be prohibitive for many.  I will provide a few pointers that can help parents a […]