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            There is an explanation and it might be a little bit antiquated, but basically the final divorce does not occur on that date. If the Judge find the facts support the true breakdown of the marriage and approves that agreement; that Order would be entered right away.  Thirty (30) days after the Order is […]

            Right now it appears that the new Alimony Bill maybe passed.  It was by the House and the Senate has it next week.  Some of the potential issues are: one that long term marriages will end at retirement age is defined by the Social Security Act.  Second, maximum alimony is 50% of the number […]

            I just had recently had a Clerk Magistrate’s hearing and it would be important for both adults and students to realize the potential consequences that if you knowingly transport someone with alcohol, even if you are not drinking or under the influence or holding onto the alcohol that there is a strong likelihood that […]

            Right now I am in the middle of a very contentious guardianship case.  It is also dealing with an issue of Do not Resuscitate (“DNR”). One hand the family is arguing that the elder is a practicing catholic and has a viewpoint that she did not want a DNR and has told friends this.  […]

That the court had reached a decision that a Defendant facing evidence against him or her has to be able to cross-examine a person and not just a piece of paper.  What has to happen is that the people that did the drug testing to confirm that the drugs were actually found to be drugs need […]

           I generally represent people in the criminal cases in State Court rather than federally. However, another attorney referred me to this case where a Moroccan gentleman who has full legal citizenship was being questioned by the FBI.  It entailed that he was absolutely innocent as to what had occurred, but there had been certain […]

         Although I did not watch the trial or follow extensively as some people did, it appears that jury did make the right decision.  It did appear to be a lot of evidence that she probably committed the act of killing her child or at least manslaughter.  However, it appears from what I have read that […]

          It is with any Taunton and near by residences might know a new court house has opened up in downtown Taunton.  It is on 40 Broadway Street. Right now it is fully open to Juvenile Court and District Court and cases are also being heard there and being moved from 120 Cohannet Street.  In […]

            In a bankruptcy it can cancel your debt; however, you have the option to “Reaffirm” a debt. If you do so, then you are legally obligated to pay the debt despite the bankruptcy.  That means that if the debt is not cancelled by the bankruptcy, if you fall behind on the Reaffirm Debt you […]

            The legislation under Chapter 92 of the Acts of 2010 signed into law last spring.  There are some potential benefits and risks for children with disabilities.  It obligates schools to initiate an anti-bullying prevention and retaliation prevention measures and other issues. It is a question about how the schools are responding to these new […]