As of May 15th, 2020 the courts are still closed until June 1st, 2020 due to COVID-19, but with some exceptions. Letters from the Leaders of the Judiciary and the Massachusetts Bar Association have indicated that the courthouses will most likely be closed for most or all of the summer. 

Emergency cases or ones in which there must be an in person hearing will still be held in court. Other than those rare cases, the courts will be handling things virtually due to the pandemic. 

Throughout the quarantine thus far I have been involved in hearings over the phone and will most likely continue to do so. In addition, the courts are beginning to prepare for virtual hearings through online platforms like Zoom that would allow for video access. 

It’s very important to look at your case and see what is happening with the courts. Many cases that may have just been continued in the past months are now being heard virtually. You may have to prepare for a phone hearing, so it is crucial that you check with the courts or have your attorney check to see exactly what is going on with your case. The expectations on how to go about your case virtually may vary on a state level, local level, and even from judge to judge so you should definitely take the time to check what to expect for your particular case.