Planning for Shared Parenting

Posted by: Alex in MyBlog on May 25, 2012

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It is stated that all the Judges have received from the Massachusetts Association of Family Conciliation Court a pamphlet regarding shared parenting.  Some of those things that are factored in that provide the courts that may seem straight forward, but the children do best when both parents have a stable mean for involvement with their children’s lives.  Each parent has different valuable contributions to make to the children’s development.  The children have structured routine time as well as unstructured time with each parent and the parents often find that it is better for the young children to spend more time with the parents and less time with a third party caregivers; particularly, in need of a transitions and the need for the child’s stability.


The parents should work together to provide if the younger children an appropriate daycare provider are just some of the things along with the parent should be allowed to bring personal items back and forth between the home, no matter who purchased them, that they will need to be a parenting plan that will need to be adjusted overtime as each family member need schedules and circumstances changed.


One of the more obvious conclusions is that the children are home when they are supposed to conference between their parents and that when parents do not argue and fight when picking up and dropping off the children is very important.  These are basically the beginning part of the pamphlet which can be found on line, but are examples of some things that Probate Court Judges receive and are aware of and when figuring out a parenting plan or presenting a parenting plan then Probate Court makes sense to