Credit Cards and Bankruptcy in Taunton

Posted by: Alex in MyBlog on Nov 04, 2009

Tagged in: Credit Card debt , Chapter 17 bankruptcy

The recession is supposed to be close to over but it does not appear to be that way for many hard working men and woman.  Circumstances including caring for the sick and elderly, unemployment and underemployment, divorce, health and many other reason are leaving people no cushion.  A lot of people are walking a financial tight rope with credit card companies seeming to try and tip people off the tight rope.   Credit card companies are raising interest rates with enhanced penalties before the modest legislation take effect. 

 Credit card companies are aggressive calling people at home and work.  One of ways to stop the phone calls immediately and wipe out credit card and other unsecured debt is by filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy.  This type of bankruptcy may allow you to exempt certain property including real estate with a proper homestead retirement and other assets.