(Copy and paste the link above into your web browser for a YouTube video on this subject)
Due to COVID-19, there’s been a lot of issues that have arisen lately with DCF cases. The disease has complicated things, as there have been disputes about whether a kid is at too high risk of contracting the disease where they currently are, if they should be placed in a healthier environment, and how that would happen given our current situation.
Some DCF workers have been amazingly proactive, but some others are conducting their business extremely bureaucratically. In some cases, they have seized in person visits or only allowed phone calls with the children (some who can’t even speak).
Clearly, these types of situations are concerning and unfair to both the parents and children. Although some at DCF I think have done a great job, there are also issues with several protocols DCF has followed.
It’s been a very difficult process to get the regular due process and procedures that these families need from DCF, so it’s very important to pay attention to the policies, making sure they are just.