
Legal Blog

My blog is about helping people in Bristol County who are in legal trouble.

Custody is complicated and is always based on a child's best interest.  There are no easy answers and each case is unique.  However, as a Bristol Child custody lawyer, mediator and GAL, I will try and provide some basic ideas that can help:

1.  Employment- do not quit your job.  However, figure out the best ways that your  current or future job may fit around your child's routine. 

2.  Try and stay in the same school district. In general the courts want to provide as much stability for child as possible and changing schools is a factor that may not be in child's best interest

3.  Have a safe place to live that is appropriate and adequate for a child.  It is hard to have custody if your living situation is not appropriate for a child even if you are an excellent parent.  Safety is very important and there should be bedrooms etc.  that an objective person would feel would be adequate given the child(ren) situations

4.  Be able to proved as much stability and consistency in your own life as possible.  This shows the court the type of person you are and provides Child with structure and consistency that is crucial.

 5.  Do not involve the children in the custody battle

6.  Be careful of living with someone else to0 quickly in a new relationship.

7.  Be careful of who you are involved with and how that will be handled by the children, the other parents and an objective person such as a GAL or Judge.  Even if the person is great, if they have documented police, DCF , court involvement it may be impossible to overcome in some situations

8.  Understand your own limits and needs versus the child's needs and what is in his best interest

9.  Realize that the other parent needs to be involved in the child's life and make sure that they are involved as much as possible.  Even, if they are a bad parent do not say bad things about them in front of the child.

10.  Hire a lawyer who is experienced  in custody cases and you are comfortable with. Go meet with at least two or three lawyers and decide who is the best fit.