
Legal Blog

My blog is about helping people in Bristol County who are in legal trouble.

My PMC Ride and how to use to donate and help with your legal fees.

 What in in for you.  From now into September 1,2010 if you contribute up to 100 dollars, I will reduce your bill by the same half that amount.  So if you notify me and contribute $100 , I will take $50 off your next bill to a maximum of $100.  In addition, if you are a first time client, I offer a free thirty minute consultation but if you contribute $40 I will provide an additional half an hour ( normally charged at $80 an hour).

 I have Hodgkinks and have been in remission for over 7 years.  Last year was the first year that I rode the PMC ride and this year I am riding the two day 192 mile bike ride to raise money for cancer research at Dana Farber.  I felt very lucky to have survived cancer and appreciate the support I had.  This is my first year with the legal fees being cut.  Last year, I was blown away by people' s donations raising $11,073.  To contribute, you can go to my profile on or leave a check made out to PMC with my number 57881. You can also find my story there.  Please let me know so that I can reduce your fees.  Any questions, please feel free to call me.   Thank you.