
Legal Blog

My blog is about helping people in Bristol County who are in legal trouble.

Many law offices, including mine, offer free initial consultation and you don’t need to bring anything to your lawyer’s office.  However, the more prepared you are for the first meeting the better off you will be and the less time and money you will end up spending.  If you can have some information regarding your personal and business background a little bit in terms of how to be contacted that would be a good thing.


The higher level of a schedule of what your assets and debts might be; is something that might be necessary with a bankruptcy court.  So the better idea of that you have ahead of time is helpful; although, you would generally be given a questionnaire as well. Any documents that are relevant to the case; including, if there is any litigation going on; if there are any lawyers or law firms or court dockets that are representing the other side; and basically a disclosure of what your financial documents are is the most important; including any written documentation of your liabilities, your debt and copies of any loan or financing documents that you might have in your possession.  For example things like Promissory Notes, Guarantees, Deeds, Trusts, Mortgages, Bank Statements, cancelled checks, money orders.  If you are involved with a foreclosure, copies of any related documents to foreclosure, any correspondence with any creditors that you have.  If any one has guaranteed a loan or lease for you; if you can provide that Guarantor and any phone numbers and things like that would be beneficial.

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