There are a lot of factors in hiring an attorney. You want to determine what you are looking for in an attorney. You should ask about the lawyers experience in your field. It is advisable to bring questions written down so that you can cover the areas that are needed. You should make sure that any fee agreement is written and that you have a copy of the agreement. Cost may not be a determining factor but is certainly important to make sure you have a clear understanding.
You also should try and get a feel for how the communication will go with the lawyer. Will you be dealing mostly with a paralegal or secretary or with the attorney. How quickly will the lawyer get back to you. What is the size of the firm. What style does the attorney have. Are you looking to try and settle the case or looking to go to trial? What is the attorney's outlook on cases? Does the personality mesh with the attorney? These are just some of the questions you should be looking at when hiring an attorney.