Elder Law

powerofattorneyAttorney Alexander Nesson has represented many seniors and acted as a GAL. His office has represented elderly clients in cases dealing with Medicaid, prescription medication issues, elder abuse cases, nursing home disputes, legal guardianship cases, and related litigation.



The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 was enacted on February 8, 2006. On July 1, 2006, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts enacted the new regulations. These regulations state that they will be applied retroactively and will affect individuals that have transferred assets since February 8, 2006.

Question: Should I hire an Attorney to help me complete and file my Medicaid application?

Medicaid is a very complicated area of the law. There is a wide range of statutes, rules, and regulations that govern the Medicaid program. These laws and rules change over time. Also, the Federal laws are combined with individual state laws, resulting in rules that vary across the country. An Attorney can help you to make sense of the particulars laws that will protect Medicaid assets.

Attorney Alexander Nesson will help clients:

1.    Plan for long term care costs.
2.    Understand the eligibility requirements.
3.    Determine if Medicaid is needed and if so, complete and file an application.
4.    Follow through with legal steps and improve the chances of receiving Medicaid assistance.
