Attorney Nesson provides comprehensive, compassionate and strong legal advocacy in cases involving child custody and support. He is dedicated to addressing the best interest of the child. He will provide experienced advice to the client at an affordable rate.
Attorney Nesson helps establish or defend paternity cases. He has extensive experience handling cases involving children. He works as a mediator to make sure that parents understand the need to put the children first. He has worked as a guardian ad litem in hundreds of cases providing the court with reports on issues involving children. He has an extensive knowledge of DCF & DSS and related agencies and how to navigate the system.
Attorney Nesson has dealt with hundreds of contested custody hearing between spouses, unmarried persons, grandparents, relatives and agencies such as DCF &DSS. Issues involve legal custody which means major decisions involving education, such as where a child will go to school, medical care and emotional, moral and religious development. Physical custody involves where a child will live after a divorce or separation.
Sample cases:
Bristol county, Modification of divorce where Father sought a change in physical custody that was hotly contested but judge ruled in Father’s favor, Temporary motion where both parties had joint physical custody and represented father who got sole physical custody at further temporary motion date, emergency physical custody for a Mother who ex-spouse had gotten restraining order against her. Successfully represented grandparents in visitation cases. In joint custody cases , successful defended parent seeking child to be in their school district.
Plymouth, sought and had trial for grandparent who was granted permanent custody in contested guardianship, represented parent and successfully vacated guardianship. Terminated child support based on client’s disability. Modification of custody where Father received custody after Mother had custody involved restraining orders, DCF, police and IEP’s.
Norfolk, successfully dealt with issues of legal custody and who pays for certain expenses including therapy and summer camp. Changed from individual to joint custody.
Juvenile Court- 72 hour hearings successfully representing parents at hearing, also negotiation conditional custody where child had been removed prior to court by DCF. Handled full termination of parental right cases, abuse and discretion motions and cases involving expert witnesses. Handled CHINS and CRA cases including jury trial and full hearings.
Most importantly able to work with the parties to keep hundreds of cases from having to be decided by a judge by working out comprehensive agreements that reach the parties’ interest and are in the children’s best interest.