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Affordable Attorney Open During COVID-19 Our Taunton Office Bankruptcy Due to COVID-19?

Our Taunton Office

Alexander established a law office in Taunton in 1995, practicing law throughout Massachusetts with emphasis on Bristol and Plymouth counties.

  • Adjacent to Taunton Courthouse
  • On and off street parking
  • Historic Taunton Center
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Affordable Attorney

Attorney Nesson’s goal is to provide quality legal representation at reasonable and affordable rates. Hiring an attorney can be expensive, but Alexander Nesson will keep costs affordable. The initial half hour consultation is free.

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Open During COVID-19

My office is open during these unprecedented times. I am meeting with clients by phone, Facetime and Zoom. Although courts are not open for in- person public hearings, I have been having more and more hearings by phone-whether or not they are contested or uncontested. In addition, courts are proceeding and processing paperwork. My office is also trying to alleviate some of the COVID-19 related pain by contributing $50 for each new client to the Pan-Mass Challenge.

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Bankruptcy Due to COVID-19?

My clients are hardworking good people who have been going through difficult times. Bankruptcy allows people a fresh start. Clients may end up building better credit after you have completed your bankruptcy because you may be debt free or at least a better debt ratio.

If you are considering or need to file bankruptcy related to impacts from COVID-19

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Massachusetts law now recognizes the unfortunate reality that abuse goes beyond just physical. It can be economic or psychological, too. With the recent 2024 amendment to the law on abuse prevention orders (aka restraining orders), Massachusetts became the seventh state in the United States to add “coercive control” to the definition of abuse, and coercive […]

The Pathway Case Management consists of Zoom hearings with the Judicial Case Manager.  The idea behind these is to try and help resolve cases quicker and more efficiently, particularly, for self-represented litigants.  Originally, it started for my practice more in Plymouth County, I believe it also was in Barnstable. Now it is in Bristol County […]

The Hearing Officer will begin to record the hearing. The Hearing Officer will explain the process and have everyone introduce themselves. The Hearing Officer will then swear in anyone who will be providing information at the hearing. The Hearing Officer will ensure everyone has all the documents that were submitted before the hearing. DCF will […]

The fair hearing officer, the DCF worker who made the decision, and usually the DCF supervisor.  Again, who made the decision that you’re appealing?  In general, a lawyer for DCF does not attend and the ongoing worker may attend but usually does not appear. DCF may have witnesses but most times they rely on the […]

There is a hearing officer who reviews the DCF decision. The hearing officer does work for DCF but is not part of the clinical team or the office where the 51A or other decision was made.

You can request a fair hearing by filling out an online Fair Hearing Request form available at  You can also request a fair hearing by writing a letter to the fair hearing unit and sending it by mail, fax, or email. You also must send a copy of the letter to the Area Office […]

You can file a grievance. A grievance can be used to challenge any DCF decision that you cannot challenge in a fair hearing. To file a grievance, you file a letter within thirty (30) calendar days of the decision you wish to challenge. You send the letter to the area office, regional office, or foster […]

If you disagree with a decision that DCF makes there are certain aspects that you can appeal through a fair hearing, which is not a court hearing but an administrative hearing with DCF.  There are many types of decisions that you can appeal through a fair hearing, but the rules about which decisions can be […]