Call : 508-828-6540


  • A pretrial date in a criminal case?

    In Massachusetts a pretrial date is where many cases get resolved. Nobody goes to trial that day, but your attorney ...
  • Alex Nesson Fees

    Hiring an attorney can be expensive, but Alexander Nesson will keep costs affordable. The initial half hour consultation is free.
  • Am I allowed to know who filed a 501a?

    501A, DCF, School, law enforcement, therapist, pediatricians, teachers, mandated, reporter
  • Appearing in court for divorce

    Is it necessary to appear in court for divorce? Court is required for financial statement, affidavit, written agreement.
  • ARC Attorney

    Court appointed attorneys to represent a minor pro bono advocating for the child's wishes, not necessarily best interests.
  • Attorney Alex Nesson Credentials

    Alexander established a law office in Taunton, MA in 1995, practicing law throughout Massachusetts with emphasis on Bristol and Plymouth ...
  • Bankruptcy

    Another area to talk about is bankruptcy and why you might want to consider filing bankruptcy and some of the ...
  • Can I get a guardianship changed?

    guardianship, vacate, motion, hearing, attorney, court, child
  • Child Support

    Another key component to divorce is child support and one that a lot of people have questions about. Nowadays ...
  • Conduct of a spouse during a divorce

    If threatened, contact police to request judge on call for restraining order. File during divorce complaint. Emergency orders and more ...
  • Contempt Action

    What to do if somebody doesn't follow what's in a divorce agreement after the divorce is something called a contempt ...
  • Criminal Cases

    Attorney Nesson defends the accused with skill and compassion. The work may include substantial trial work or where appropriate and ...
  • DCF

    The Department of Children and Families and cases when DCF is involved is that someone reports a 51A which is ...
  • Department of Children and Families

    Anytime, DCF is involved you need to take it very seriously. I have handled hundreds of cases involving DCF from ...
  • Divorce Law

    It can help significantly being prepared and if you come to your lawyer with some of the paperwork and information ...
  • Divorce Litigation

    Some key points if you're going through a divorce and there is divorce litigation ongoing, it's important not to badmouth ...
  • Divorce Mediation

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of divorce mediation? It could mean more control and less time and money.
  • Divorce Mediation

    To talk about divorce mediation and even though I'm an attorney as a mediator I don't represent either person but ...
  • Divorce Pleadings

    Pleadings for divorce can occur two ways; file a contested divorce which is fairly typical or file a joint petition ...
  • Drunk Driving & OUI

    With drunk driving & OUI cases obviously the best advice is to never drink and drive. There's some different rights ...
  • Estate Planning

    Everyone basically should have some estate planning that should occur. A simple will can help you decide how your estate ...
  • Estate Planning during COVID-19

    Information on Estate Planning during the COVID-19 Crisis
  • FAQ on Divorce in Massachusetts

    Frequently asked questions about divorce in Massachusetts. Separation time, spouse's agreement, finding fault and other terms that arise in divorce ...
  • Filing divorce with no known address

    Summons by publication, motion to file and procedure and other legal terms you may hear when the person filing for ...
  • Further Information

    Alexander has represented more than a thousand clients in a variety of court cases (criminal, juvenile, family, divorce etc.)
  • Grandparent Visitation

    Nowadays people are talking about grandparent visitation and grandparent rights and there is an actual filing you can do seeking ...
  • Guardian Ad Litem

    Sometime people ask what a guardian ad litem is and the question comes up especially in high conflict custody cases.
  • How do I appeal a 51A?

    If there's an allegation of neglect or abuse that the department supports you have the right to appeal. This gives ...
  • Information About Divorce Cases

    Your divorce agreement will affect your life and the lives of your children far into the future. Attorney Alexander Nesson ...
  • Is there an alimony calculator?

    alimony, attorney, court, reform act
  • Juvenile Court

    Handling cases in juvenile court can have many factors that are looked at. There are a handful of different cases ...
  • Juvenile Law

    The goal of the juvenile system is to rehabilitate children. However, the police, prosecutors ad probation officer can be very ...
  • Location of Office and Taunton Area

    You'll find our office right in Taunton center in the Crocker building. Across from the Taunton green, courthouse and several ...
  • Massachusetts Lamb Warning

    This video explains the Massachusetts Lamb Warning. What you say is not confidential and will be written down to be read ...
  • Meeting with a social worker

    Here's what to expect if you plan on meeting and speaking with a social worker, court investigator or Guardian Ad ...
  • Modification of a divorce

    File a complaint for modification and learn what is modifiable and non-modifiable (i.e. what can be changed) in divorce agreements.
  • My Qualifications for Divorce Mediation

    Your divorce agreement will affect your life and the lives of your children far into the future. Attorney Alexander Nesson ...
  • OUI Criminal Cases

    In OUI and motor vehicle offenses the penalties have become very significant. You need an attorney who is able to ...
  • Parent Alienation

    One issue that is a hot topic currently in custody cases is parent alienation; where one parent may badmouth the ...
  • Parenting Education Classes

    For parents going through divorce this may be a requirement for finalizing divorce and must be signed up for with ...
  • Personal Injury

    What's behind personal injury or automobile accidents? The idea is that if you are hurt and somebody else is at ...
  • Removal of Children From MA

    Filing for a petition for removal in Massachusetts. The courts will attempt to determine what's in the best interest of ...
  • Restrictions on moving out of state

    Restrictions on moving out of state and custody. Filing a complaint for modification, best interests of the child and other ...
  • School of Origin for Children

    For homeless children and children in DCF care should be going to school of original sometimes putting child closest to ...
  • Social Media’s Impact on Court Hearings

    Using social media does make an impact and can be used as evidence. Posting to Facebook, Twitter or other social ...
  • Timeframes for DCF cases

    This video will walk you through some of the proceedings that occur in DCF cases and how long to expect ...
  • Tips for appearing in court

    Be prepared. Dress conservatively and formally. Prepare time for additional delays for things like parking, restrictions, getting through metal detectors and ...
  • Waving Court Fees in Massachusetts

    What gets submitted to court for approval when requesting court fees be waved including financial statements, motions and affidavits of ...
  • What is a CWOF?

    In a criminal case, between guilty and dismissal court will continue with conditions and the case is dismissed after meeting ...
  • What is a pre-trial conference?

    What happens at pre-trial conferences in a divorce cases are certain orders of the court that need to take place.
  • What is a temporary custody hearing?

    How to prepare yourself for a temporary custody hearing in Massachusetts. At a seventy-two hour hearing there is a lot to know ...
  • What NOT to do during a divorce

    Divorce can be incredibly stressful for everyone involved. Here is advice on what to avoid in order to minimize that ...
  • What to do if DCF knocks on your door

    It could be an emergency or non-emergency investigation so remember to be polite and cooperative. Here's what else you need ...
  • When should I file a guardianship?

    Guardianship, petition, court, massachusetts, neglect, abuse, parent, child, judge
  • Who has initial custody?

    custody, joint, physical, legal, judge, unmarried, court, mother