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Bankruptcy Due to COVID-19? Open During COVID-19 Our Taunton Office Affordable Attorney

Open During COVID-19

My office is open during these unprecedented times. I am meeting with clients by phone, Facetime and Zoom. Although courts are not open for in- person public hearings, I have been having more and more hearings by phone-whether or not they are contested or uncontested. In addition, courts are proceeding and processing paperwork. My office is also trying to alleviate some of the COVID-19 related pain by contributing $50 for each new client to the Pan-Mass Challenge.

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Our Taunton Office

Alexander established a law office in Taunton in 1995, practicing law throughout Massachusetts with emphasis on Bristol and Plymouth counties.

  • Adjacent to Taunton Courthouse
  • On and off street parking
  • Historic Taunton Center
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Affordable Attorney

Attorney Nesson’s goal is to provide quality legal representation at reasonable and affordable rates. Hiring an attorney can be expensive, but Alexander Nesson will keep costs affordable. The initial half hour consultation is free.

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Bankruptcy Due to COVID-19?

My clients are hardworking good people who have been going through difficult times. Bankruptcy allows people a fresh start. Clients may end up building better credit after you have completed your bankruptcy because you may be debt free or at least a better debt ratio.

If you are considering or need to file bankruptcy related to impacts from COVID-19

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In practice the vast majority of times the courts do grant a Motion to Dismiss is if the Department seeks it and all parties agree.  However, the court does have discretion and can make the parties go forward at trial. I have had that occur a couple of times in my practice; although if DCF […]

There is something that is called a Lampron-Dwyer Protocol you have to file and do a service of a motion. It is under the Mass Rules of Criminal Procedure 17.  The idea is if there is a 3rd party record that you are seeking, there are some requirements that need to occur which you can […]

In Massachusetts children are considered to be incompetent legally, meaning making a decision such as whether or not to waive their Therapist Patient Privilege.  A GAL would be appointed to not just ask the child what his/her position is, but to substitute their judgment for the child to determine whether or not it would be […]

You need to check with the court and the procedures with the court but usually the answer is yes. You can have a hearing to have some of the conditions amended or changed.  A lot of the time those can be conditions regarding a child or children. Other times it can be something as simple […]

In Massachusetts if you decide to hire a new attorney, typically what happens is that new attorney files something called a “Notice of Appearance” providing that to your prior attorney and that attorney would file a “Notice of Withdrawal”.  I would send all the relevant paperwork in your file to your new attorney. So, you […]

In general, the cases that I have had have all have been by video conferencing similar to Zoom where you receive a link and are able to have the hearing. Everything is certainly subject to change, but the cases that I have had, have not appeared that they are having in-person hearings for Fair Hearing […]

Who Gets Fido or Kitty? I recently had a case involving a contentious dispute over the custody of a dog and a cat. After coming close to going to trial, we were finally able to resolve the matter between the two parties through negotiation.

The best practice is simply not to stop parenting time on your own unless it is an emergency, but to file what is called a “Complaint for Modification” explaining the circumstances of the risks.  You can always file an Emergency Motion along with that and an Affidavit as well. It can be particularly persuasive if […]