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Many people in society think of young couples getting divorced or even middle aged people having a mid-life crisis. However, in large part due to society is increased acceptance of divorce, you see an older couple getting divorced as a reality where it appears that divorce is for couples that are 50 years or older […]

In a divorce case or domestic relations cases the Financial Statements can be the most important piece of evidence and that filling them out as accurately as possible can be one of the biggest steps.    In nearly every Probate Court domestic relations the parties financial information is relevant and is an important issue considered […]

The advice is to NOT use your credit cards if you can avoid it prior to filing Bankruptcy and that if a single creditor spends more than $500.00 for luxury goods within 90 days of filing; that is presumed to not be something that can be discharged. In addition, cash advances of $750.00 within 70 […]

It automatically protects up to $125,000.00 in a home equity without filing and can protect up to $500,000.00 for those who file a Homestead protection.  Both spouses are allowed to file.  You do not need to re-file after refinancing.  In addition, there are some new laws about veterans and their family’s additional protections.  The owners’ […]

In today’s society caregivers who are relatives are becoming a special type of caregiver. It is a situation in which children can not remain with their biological parents because of issues related to safety and stability. Studies have shown that children do much better, emotionally, physically and mentally when living with a relative, rather than […]

The Restraining Orders and 209A’s are now allowing pets to be listed and there has been an actual case where a pet has been listed under the laws as of the end of October.  The 209A was reflected to allow a Judge to include a pet when filing a 209A Order.  This is relatively new […]

There used to be 3 Sessions and now there is typically one session a day.  There is the 4 Judges and each Judge goes there one day a week.  ADDRESS: New Bedford Satellite 505 Pleasant Street New Bedford, MA 02740 Hours of Operation: Taunton 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M., except for emergencies which will be taken […]

The Plymouth Probate Court is located 52 Obery Street, Suite 1130 in Plymouth, Mass. 02360 and Brockton is 215 Main Street, Suite 220, Brockton, Mass.  02301. The phone number for the Plymouth is (508) 747-6204 and Brockton is (508) 897-5400.   The Registrar’s Office or Clerk’s office is generally open from 8:30 – 3:00, Monday […]

As many people are aware the Dookhan Lab scandal had the laboratory that tested for drugs and had the certificates and evidence at criminal cases has had nearly 200 inmates right now that have been released or have their cases put on hold with countless others having that as well.  There are implications not only […]

  This year the Supreme Court made a ruling in a 5-4 decision that officials can strip search people arrested for any offense no matter how minor the charge is before admitting them to jail even if there is no evidence or suspicion to suspect the person of contraband.    The court had determined where […]