Talking to social workers, court investigators and GAL’s is stressful. They are looking at you like you are on stage and looking to see if you are a loving, stable and thoughtful parent. A few hints are: keep focus on children not your or significant other or ex if you need to make focus on […]
If a prior court order no longer works for the parties or circumstances change the party may seek a modification. The party must file a complaint for modification to change a judgment. A further temporary order may change a prior temporary order. The most common changes are alimony or spousal support, custody and parenting time […]
The costs of insurance can be prohibitive and is a very important factor in may divorces both for the spouse and children. For the spouse and children most issues are similar: 1. The policy effect 2. What is the obligation of the coverage 3. The duration of that obligation 4. what happens if policy changes […]
Every case is unique but this is a common question. Many people are concerned with ‘abandonment”. This is typically not the issue with leaving the house(in a very few cases it might be) but moving out does impact you case. A negatives include that it sets a precedent and a divorce can take some time […]
You can file something called a “contempt” action saying that the other side has violated the court order. You need to show what the court order is and how it was violated. There are technical requirements but the order should be clear and the violation should be straightforward. The court has a lot of remedies […]
As you probably guessed the answer is YES! Be very careful what you post. I have seen people claim to have no money in front of a judge and be confronted with Facebook posts of expensive vacations or new cars. I have seen many cases where one parent badmouths the other ( and sometimes the […]
In many counties in Massachusetts an ARC attorney can be appointed to represent the child’s voice. It is a pro bono program ( there is no costs to the parties). The ARC attorney acts as the child’s voice in court. This is not available in DCF C&P cases( child counsel may be appointed through CPCS) […]
There has been a lot of recent publicity about domestic violence in sports. In many ways these high profile examples of domestic violence reflect a broader societal problem. How does the judicial system deal with allegations of domestic violence? The courts have had a difficult time addressing allegations of domestic abuse. In the criminal courts […]