In part, a mandated reported who in his or her professional capacity has “reasonable cause” to believe that a child is suffering physical or emotional injury that results from either (1) abuse inflicted upon the child which causes harm or substantial risk of harm to the child’s health or welfare( includes sexual abuse); (2)neglect( includes […]
If DCF decides to place children away from the parents or guardians DCF policy is supposed to look for “family first” as placement such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins( also to a certain extent family friends, teachers etc.). The reason is that the transition will be easier for the child. You should at least […]
Talking to social workers, court investigators and GAL’s is stressful. They are looking at you like you are on stage and looking to see if you are a loving, stable and thoughtful parent. A few hints are: keep focus on children not your or significant other or ex if you need to make focus on […]
There is relatively new law regarding children in foster care or residential treatment. There is a presumption that child should go to the same school( school of origin) and DCF has a meeting to make this determination. Parents and children should have a voice as many times DCF will aim for having child go […]
You can file something called a “contempt” action saying that the other side has violated the court order. You need to show what the court order is and how it was violated. There are technical requirements but the order should be clear and the violation should be straightforward. The court has a lot of remedies […]
In many counties in Massachusetts an ARC attorney can be appointed to represent the child’s voice. It is a pro bono program ( there is no costs to the parties). The ARC attorney acts as the child’s voice in court. This is not available in DCF C&P cases( child counsel may be appointed through CPCS) […]
As most people are aware there are a lot of concerns about social media with issues of privacy and concerns about who you and your children might be “friending”. In today’s legal climate there are a lot of legal risks associated with the internet that people are not aware of. It is a fairly common […]
Comparing the law and the cartoon family the Simpson’s may help animate different areas. To start with we should look at Bart Simpson. Looking at Bart and his behavior could easily lead issues at school. If Bart was charged with a crime there needs to be looking at the school for possible suspensions and expulsions. […]