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Saving money on legal fees

In past the only way to get a divorce was to find that your spouse was at fault such as adultery, abuse and so forth.  Now MA( and most states) allow no fault divorce simply because one spouse does not want to be married.  This avoids showing that your spouse was at fault and makes […]

Getting a divorce is traumatic and sometimes you can spend too much time, money and emotions in an unwise fashion.  5 Tips:  Do not fight over the “pots and pans”.  Personal property has a lot of emotions involved and some sentimental pieces are very important but many times people spend too much time fighting over […]

I represent client’s in divorce cases as an attorney and even though my rates are on the moderate and affordable level- relatively speaking, it is still too expensive for many people.  You can cut the costs of the divorce down by 75-95% depending on the situation.  Most meditations from start to finish are under $1000.  […]