If Child Support is behind, What Can I Do?

 You can check with Department of Revenue (DOR) and find out the status of your case.  You can also file a court action for Contempt, depending on how late it is with DOR and seek attorney’s fees as part of your contempt action.

If a Parent has Custody, but the Child is not Staying at that Parent’s House, What Can I do?

You can file a Modification for whatever judgment is granted to the other party.  You can seek custody yourself if that is your goal. If the child is with an inappropriate caretaker, DCF could be involved as well.

If as a Father my name is not on the Birth Certificate and we are Not Married, and the Child’s Mother is not allowing me to see our child, what can I do?

You would file a Paternity Action in Massachusetts for a paternity complaint; or if you are uncertain of the paternity or you can file a Custody Support and Visitation Complaint.  It would deal with custody, child support and a parenting plan.

If I am a Parent of a Teenager who has Full Physical Custody, Can I Leave the Child with Another Adult for a Length of Period of Time?

It depends.  If the person is a suitable caretaker for you, you can authorize that person; including something called a Caregiver’s Affidavit.  You are allowed to. However, you want to make sure that the person is suitable and even though you are allowed to, it may or may not impact other parents seeking a change in the Court Order or modification if you are not the one that has the child with you the majority of time.

In addition, the other caretaker would need to comply with whatever Court Orders there are regarding parenting or visitation time.