If I bought something in my Name does that mean that it is mine in a Massachusetts Divorce Case?

 No.  It does not mean that you have 100% ownership.  They consider it joint marital property, so even if you buy a car, boat or a home just because you bought it does not mean that you are entitled to it and it is in your name.  Massachusetts divides property between spouses through what is called “Equitable Division of Marital Assets” and there are General Laws that talk about the factors that the Courts look at. There are some aspects where you can argue that it is auto marital asset; such as if a retirement account is held prior to the marriage it just might be in the marital period, but because something is in your name does not mean that you are automatically entitled to keep it in the divorce.

Can I call the Children as Witnesses and ask them what they think about my Spouse or where they want to live?

No.  In rare exceptions with the Court want the children to be in the Court room never mind as a witness. There are some limited exceptions.  Sometimes with DCF cases, but you would need to get approval from the Court ahead of time.

In reality, what is a better practice is to have either an attorney appointed for the children; which would be at no cost and is called an “ARC Attorney” possibly a Guardian ad Litem (“GAL”); having a probation officer or family service officer speak to the children and make the report back to the court.

The Courts do not want the children to be in the middle of everything and certainly do not want them to be testifying or present in the Court room; particularly if they are under 18 years of age.