In Massachusetts anyone can report an allegation to DCF for suspected child abuse or neglect. The information just has to lead DCF to suspect that the child is “at risk”. Basically, the difference between abuse is that abuse occurs when a child has been harmed by someone who is caring for the child and “neglect” occurs when the child is not properly cared for.

In Massachusetts they are called 51A reports. They can be made from mandated reporters, such as police officers, teachers, doctors, nurses and social workers who are required to report it, along with reports by non-mandated reporters; which can be by neighbors, ex-spouses and friends. The reports may be anonymous.

In addition, an individual can go to DCF voluntarily to seek help for family problems. Once DCF gets the report, it determines whether to screen it in or screen it out and the report may be investigated within 24 hours if it is an emergency; and within 10 days if it is not considered an emergency.