There are two forms of filing:

1. Contested or a 1A Divorce; and
2. Contested or a 1B Divorce.

In Massachusetts if it is considered a “no fault” or “fault”, it basically means the same as “contested” or “uncontested”. Contested means that if one party disagrees with the divorce or more importantly the terms of the divorce; and uncontested means that both parties agree to everything that they file.

If you file an uncontested divorce, it is final 12o days from the date of the Judgment. If you file a contested divorce, it is final 90 days from the date of the hearing. Some people think that filing a contested or 1B divorce would be quicker, but that is not in fact accurate.

In a contested divorce, if the parties are not in agreement, it could take several months or longer to actually get in front of the judge to deal with the contested issues versus if you are filing an uncontested or 1A divorce, and you have reached agreements on all aspects of the divorce and can get a quick hearing date and get the case resolved.