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Generally now days in Massachusetts anytime you are charged with a crime, it is very likely that either the prosecutor will request or the judge will on his/her own issue something called an 802 Warning. An 802 Warning simply means that if your charged or arrested for a new offense that occurs after the date […]

Contempt is failing to follow a judge’s clear order even now you are able to do so, under the General Laws, Chapter 215, Section 34. You can see it under Larson v. Larson, which is 28 Mass.App.Ct. 338 1990 saying that a Contempt Action or law suit can be filed for violation of any of […]

In your Will you need to appoint someone who is going to carry out your wishes and that person is know as an Executor.  Some of the duties that person has to do after your death is that they collect your assets, pay your debt and expenses and then after that they will divide the […]

Separate Support is a Court Ordered amount of support for your spouse. Generally, what you would do is that you would file something called “Separate Support” in Probate Court, even if you are not asking for divorce, but you want support even for yourself or for your children. It can also include, with a separate […]

It is not very difficult to provide the lawyer information necessary to do a Will or a Last Will and Testament.  A lot of people put off making a Will, even though it provides a peace of mind because they think it is going to be complicated or difficult, but really they are just a […]

Parents have constitutional protected rights regarding custody, care, and control of their children. In addition, it allows the parents right and freedom to expose their own particular religious beliefs.  There can be a lot of different issues if the interfaith spouse divorce and have disagreements over the religious upbringing of the children.   In Massachusetts the […]

Some of the language is the “Ward” is the person who is under the “Guardianship” and generally there is a need for either physical or mental reasons that the person is incapable of managing his/her affairs either financial or personal or in many cases both. The Guardian is the person that the Probate Court manages […]

The answer to this question is generally No. Under the bankruptcy code one of the reasons is that the credit card company can challenge the debt is if the person used the card for a reasonable of no expectation of repaying the debt. The second one is irrelevant, but uses the credit card to buy […]

If you don’t have a Will, the government will assign one for you; and that means that the laws of Massachusetts will govern how your assets and estate are distributed and this can mean how you split it between your spouse, next of kin, children and that is the rules of the State rather than […]

Wills are generally the simplest way to override documents that give you the ability to distribute your estate and choose who your want your heirs to be, appoint a guardian and provide your belongings to who you choose.  A Will can be a part of an Estate Plan, but it is not necessarily an entire […]