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The answer is, usually you can amend the Schedule to add an overlooked debt.  What happens is we file a Motion to Amend Schedule F and you would add the name of the Creditor and the amount of the debt. In addition, in some cases it actually is possible to re-open a bankruptcy after your […]

In general, tax debts are not necessarily dischargeable. However, there are some circumstances where tax debts do become dischargeable in Bankruptcy. If your taxes have been due for at least the three prior years when the return was actually filed and least two years since any assessment.   There are some different issues that can […]

Recently, a student loan was discharged due to the debtor having Asperger’s Syndrome and it was reported that a student loan debt was about $350,000.00 and $100,000.00 was discharged. The cardinal rule is that student loans are not discharged into bankruptcy, but in order for that to occur; the student loan must show that the […]

The answer is in Massachusetts nothing prevents you under the Law from leaving one or all of your children out of your Will. You should generally use specific language to identify the child you wish to disinherit. There are some limitations with that, but there are more difficulties now under the new probate code; which […]

What Probate means is the process of proving a Will and administering the estate of the deceased and that is called a Probate Estate. If there are assets in the Probate Estate, you have to have that listed in a form or an inventory file for the Probate Court and the Probate Estate must pay […]

A Living Trust also commonly called “Revocable Trust” is created during the lifetime of the donor, meaning that rather than doing a Will at the person’s death, it is created during their lifetime. With a Living Trust, the donor or the person that has the assets maintains control over the trust and the right to […]

The first one, can the marriage be saved? Divorce can be stressful and expensive along with having an emotional toll for the spouses and the children.  If there is a way to get counseling or some other steps to keep you and your spouse together that should always bee considered.   Second would be, examining […]

Many law offices, including mine, offer free initial consultation and you don’t need to bring anything to your lawyer’s office.  However, the more prepared you are for the first meeting the better off you will be and the less time and money you will end up spending.  If you can have some information regarding your […]

A name can be changed at any time for any reason that is basically not a lie or fraudulent.  You don’t have to go to court necessarily to do this, however, if you want your name officially changed and you cannot obtain the official documents, such as a drivers license or a passport, you do […]

For most parents this is one of the most important steps to occur and generally the parents work together to name the child, basically any name that they choose.  However, if married parents disagree upon the name to use, they may have to actually go to court in an extreme case to resolve this dispute […]