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If it is an emergency, DCF can file a Care & Protection Petition to a Judge and the Judge would review it and it can allow DCF to obtain permission to take your children away from you without notifying you ahead of time. You may not be aware of this until a social worker comes […]

DCF cannot tell you the name(s) of the person(s) who reported you.  Sometimes it can be anonymous. It is supposed to give you as much details as possible about the allegations and sometimes people can make an assumption or figure out who most likely filed the report. Sometimes that person may be making a false […]

What happens is a social worker from DCF will come to your home. If it is a non-emergency investigation, you are entitled to have an attorney with you; or have someone else present to be there as a witness for you. The DCF social worker and investigator will discuss what the allegations in the report […]

DCF is not allowed to tell you the name of the person who reported you. Sometimes, the people that would do this will call anonymously. You are informed as much details as possible about the allegations. Sometimes the person who is reporting you will let you know and a lot of times you will be […]

In Massachusetts anyone can report an allegation to DCF for suspected child abuse or neglect. The information just has to lead DCF to suspect that the child is “at risk”. Basically, the difference between abuse is that abuse occurs when a child has been harmed by someone who is caring for the child and “neglect” […]

It is called a Kahill Disposition. What that means is due to a case in Commonwealth vs. Kahill in 2004; the Registry of Motor Vehicles have to honor the decision of the court that treats a second offense OUI as a first offense. If it occurs more than 10 years from the date of the first […]

In Massachusetts DCF is called the Department of Children and Families. It used to be called the Department of Social Services or DSS, and it is a state agency that has an obligation to protect children and troubled families. DCF is obligated to investigate reports where a child might be at risk of neglect or […]

A lot of the times bicyclists suffer significant injuries and many times they are caused by inattentive motorist. There is a lot that you can do to protect yourselves from harm, but financially you can two things; including getting under insured and noninsured motorist coverage and also have medical payments coverage. It can be covered […]

The idea of a Prenuptial Agreement or (“Prenup”) is to give you the freedom to contract with your soon to be spouse about what the marital rights will be upon either death or divorce; rather than to rely on what the statutory scheme is for marital rights. A lot of what it deals with, is […]

There is a lot of different options where there can be an adoption, and where a child can become free for an adoption if the parents both sign a Voluntary Adoption Surrender’s or if Department of Children and Families (DCF) has petitioned the Court to terminate the parents right to consent to their child’s adoption. […]