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My PMC Ride and how to use to donate and help with your legal fees.  What in in for you.  From now into September 1,2010 if you contribute up to 100 dollars, I will reduce your bill by the same half that amount.  So if you notify me and contribute $100 , I will take […]

This is a guideline to work with a DCF worker:  1.  Be polite- offer a water, seat etc.  This is obvious but can make a big difference.  2.  Do not be hostile-  you can disagree with their conclusions and even attitude but realize they are going to be reporting back to their supervisors and court […]

I represent client’s in divorce cases as an attorney and even though my rates are on the moderate and affordable level- relatively speaking, it is still too expensive for many people.  You can cut the costs of the divorce down by 75-95% depending on the situation.  Most meditations from start to finish are under $1000.  […]

Custody is complicated and is always based on a child’s best interest.  There are no easy answers and each case is unique.  However, as a Bristol Child custody lawyer, mediator and GAL, I will try and provide some basic ideas that can help: 1.  Employment- do not quit your job.  However, figure out the best […]

There are lots of ways to deal with school systems.  Protecting and advocating for your child can be complicated and is emotional.  It is recommended that you hire a Taunton educational advocate  lawyer  such as myself but I realize that the cost may be prohibitive for many.  I will provide a few pointers that can help parents a […]

There is a lot of information you need for filing bankruptcy.  There are some information that would be helpful to bring as we go along  but here are ten major pieces of information to bring. 1.  Social security card 2.  Photo Id-licese, passport etc. 3.  2 years of tax returns 4.  Credit counseling certificate 5.  […]

Last week was supposed to be easier for me due to school vacation week but it seemed that I had a busier than normal week.  Thursday was very productive day and thought it would be a good illustration of what a sole practitioner does. I got up around 5am which is normal and took my […]

 Melanie’s law has added a lot regarding license loss.  Hardship license is only granted at the reasonable discretion of the registry.  There must be no evidence driving once the license has been suspended or revoked.  The applicant must have a documented and legitimate hardship. The applicant must provide a letter from his employer including the […]

I have handled a lot of high conflict custody case.  I have represented children , been a guardian ad litem, represented Mother and Fathers as well as grandparents, family members, foster parents, friends of the family and friends of the children.  Custody cases are hard on everyone involved. It is never easy for the family […]

In MA it is not a crime to drink and drive.  It is a crime to operate under the influence- that is that alcohol impairs your ability to drive.  With Melanie’s law the punishment for OUI has significantly worsened.   You should never drive impaired for a variety of safety as well as legal reasons.  OUI […]